Russians met the Annunaki at the South Pole – Video is here

For over 65 years this planet has been mentioned in many mainstream publications, movies, books and more. Some of the brightest scientific minds of our times have set out to find the planet with one of the most popular being Doctor Robert S. Harrington of the US Naval Observatory. He and Author Zecharia Sitchin both theorized the location and projected the path of this object(s). Though they both came to their conclusions by very different methods, they both agreed on its existence and Doctor Harrington even believed that he had pinpointed the location of the object. Sadly, he died of a sudden case of throat cancer before he was able to prove his hypothesis. Although, he did commission a special telescope to be built to find it.

There are many theories as to the size, location and makeup of the object(s), however many amateur and professional astronomers alike have agreed that is is out there evidenced by the disturbance of the orbits of Pluto and Uranus. In recent years the theory has again gained steam in mainstream media, after being suppressed for many years, that indeed there is a large body in our solar system that is causing disturbances to the normal activity of the inner planets. With the recent massive uptick in Earth changes, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Animal Die-Offs and more it is getting harder to explain exactly what is going on if you discount the Nibiru theory. Yet when you add it to the equation it seems to make perfect sense.

I have studied this subject in depth for many years, reading the writings of Harrington Ferrada, Masters, Broussard and many, many others in the process. Since the article first appeared in 1955 in Popular Mechanics magazine it has made many mainstream appearances, not to mention become the topic of hundreds of blogs, YouTube channels and more.

Now I bring my many years of study to YouTube with the intention of pointing out what I believe to be facts that not only prove that it exists but occasionally comes dangerously close to Earth causing great cataclysm each time it approaches. Join me in exploring what could be the greatest and most important discovery of our lives as we take a look at the possibility of our galaxy being a binary star galaxy or the existence of a rogue planet that has an elongated orbit that brings it into a close approach pattern of our planet. Personally, I hope that I and all the other believers are wrong because of the consequences that would accompany being right. I do not wish cataclysm on our planet or any other in our solar system. We live in a fragile and zone and any interruptions to that could change the face of our planet and the human race altogether. Yet, better to know and be prepared than go marching blindly into each day believing that we will never experience any troubles originating from the vastness of space. Join the discussion, do the research and come up with your own conclusions on what could be the single most important matter facing the very existence of our world.

Looking through YouTube comments, there seem to be several plausible theories:

“The fallen angels are the Annunaki race. They did not visit earth for gold. They were sentenced and thrown down on earth for misconduct. The dome or “firmament” that was placed over the earth was not placed there to protect anyone. The Annunaki beings were the only ones here at the time. The dome was placed to keep them here until their final judgment. Other than that, they’d be gone by now. Sunlight quickly became their enemy since they are used to the much much colder weather. Also, part of their sentence is to crawl on the belly forever, so they are also devolving to that state. (literally) They are weak and need human blood to stay strong. For the life is in the blood. They did not mine gold as the tale is told. They were looking for diamonds to cut the dome open. This is the reason The US, Russia, Germany and others all shot nukes up to the sky at the same time. They were instructed to break, scratch, chip or cut the glass. speaking of diamonds, their pyramids are not triangles, they are diamonds. The other half is always underground. This is why last year when a pyramid was discovered in Crimea, Russia and the US both raced to get there first. They find information, knowledge and precious artifacts in the underground parts of these diamonds that the world call pyramids.”

source: Planet Nibiru

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