If you go over the new Wikileaks dump for October 18th you will found IN ATTACHMENTS ANTARCTICA Pictures!.

“That is clearly a research vessel. I believe the greenish color you see in the photo is simply light refracting through the ice where there is no fresh white snow. There are algae’s and other bacteria that live and thrive in cold icy environments. Keep in mind there are abandoned whaling stations in Antarctica and as we all know the Chinese are still hunting and killing hundreds of whales each year in the name of research. That could be a small station in use and that’s nothing more than a radio antenna. I would like to know what the light is emanating from that snow cave.” – John

“That is clearly a research vessel. I believe the greenish color you see in the photo is simply light refracting through the ice where there is no fresh white snow. There are algae’s and other bacteria that live and thrive in cold icy environments. Keep in mind there are abandoned whaling stations in Antarctica and as we all know the Chinese are still hunting and killing hundreds of whales each year in the name of research. That could be a small station in use and that’s nothing more than a radio antenna. I would like to know what the light is emanating from that snow cave.”

“OMG, You guys are all way over-thinking this. The email that these images come from has 2 subject lines in Chinese. The first translates as “The icebergs are dissolving quickly”, the second “I’m so sorry”. Look at the pictures. Where is the ice? These are photos taken of Antarctica in April 2016. In recent memory a blanket of ice stretched over the entirety of Antarctica. It has almost ALL gone. There is no conspiracy theory here. The world’s governments have made Antarctica a no-fly-zone and classified it Top Secret because they don’t want you to know that the ice has gone!”

“I was hoping to see pictures of the hollow earth entrance. All we get to see are views from the coastline. Like, I wanna see what’s BEHIND those mountains; hundreds of miles deeper into the continent!!!”

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